Treating conduct problems and strengthening social and emotional competence in young children: The Dina Dinosaur Treatment Program (Book Chapter)
Parent Management Training for Solo Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Effectiveness and Multiple Baseline Evaluation
Interdisciplinary Training ProgramProgram Title: Personnel Preparation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities (CFDA 84.325D)
Mediators, Moderators, and Predictors of One-Year Outcomes Among Children Treated for Early-Onset Conduct Problems: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis
Treating Children With Early-Onset Conduct Problems: Intervention Outcomes for Parent, Child, and Teacher Training
Strengthening Social and Emotional Competence in Young Children - The Foundation for Early School Readiness and Success: Incredible Years Classroom Social Skills and Problem-Solving Curriculum