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The Role of Parental Stress in Physically Abusive Families

This study examines the role of several components of parental stress in physically abusive and nonabusive families with conduct-disordered children. The 123 families studied were seen in a parenting clinic aimed at improving parent-child interactions in families with a highly oppositional child. Parent stress was found to play in important role in abusive families. Physically abusive families were significantly more often low income, had younger mothers with less education, more frequently reported a family history of child abuse, and were more likely to be abusing alcohol or drugs.

Read the article (PDF)

Year: 2007
Bibliography: Whipple, E., Webster-Stratton, C. 1991. Child Abuse & Neglect. Vol.15 279-291.
Authors: Whipple, Webster-Stratton, , , 

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