Parent Training Strategies to Boost Engagement in Early Intervention

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Posthumus. J.A., Raaijmakers, M.A.J., Maassen, G.H., van Engeland, H., and Matthys, W. (2012). Sustained Effects of Incredible Years as a Preventive Intervention in Preschool Children with Conduct Problems. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40(4), 487-500. DOI 10.1007/s10802-011-9580-9.
The present study evaluated preventive effects of the Incredible Years program for parents of preschool children who were at risk for a chronic pattern of conduct problems, in the Netherlands. In a matched control design, 72 parents of children with conduct problems received the Incredible Years program. These families (intervention group) were compared with 72 families who received care as usual (control group). Two years after termination of the intervention, it appeared that observed and self-rated parenting skills were significantly improved in the intervention group. Likewise, in this group, observed child conduct problems showed sustained intervention effects. The decrease in observed critical parenting mediated the decrease in observed child conduct problems over time. In addition, it appeared that parental influence increased over time.