Parent Training Strategies to Boost Engagement in Early Intervention

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Javier, J.R., Coffey, D.M., Palinkas, L.A., Kipke, M.D., Miranda, J., & Schrager, S.M. (2019). Promoting Enrollment in Parenting Programs Among a Filipino Population: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics, 143(2).
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Evidence-based parenting programs prevent the onset and escalation of youth conduct problems. However, participation rates in such programs are low among hard-to-reach populations, including Filipino individuals. Compared with other ethnic groups, Filipino adolescents have significant mental health disparities. We evaluated the effectiveness of a theory-based, culturally tailored video versus a usual-care mainstream video on enrollment in an evidence-based parenting program among Filipino caregivers of children ages 6 to 12 years and tested theoretical mediators of intervention effect.
METHODS: We randomly assigned 215 Filipino participants to view either a theory-based, culturally tailored video based on the Health Belief Model and Theory of Planned Behavior or a control video. The primary outcome was actual enrollment in an evidence-based parenting intervention. Mediators (knowledge and perceived susceptibility) were modeled as latent variables in a structural equation model.
RESULTS: After the intervention, participants in the intervention group had significantly higher knowledge of Filipino adolescent behavioral health disparities and higher perceived susceptibility to adolescent risky sexual activity and illegal drug use. Controlling for child sex, parents in the intervention group had significantly greater odds of actual enrollment in the Incredible Years program (odds ratio = 2.667; 95% confidence interval: 1.328–5.354; P = .006). The intervention effects were mediated by increased knowledge and perceived susceptibility.
CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrated the effectiveness of a theory-based, culturally tailored intervention aimed at increasing participation of a hard-to-engage population in parenting interventions. Videos that include parents and health professionals with whom audiences can identify can be used to produce shifts in knowledge and behavior.