Incredible Years Blog

Check out our blog for social-emotional learning articles, news, and more!

Incredible Years Trainer Receives Recognition, 2010

Dr. Caroline White of Manchester has received a Recognition of Achievement by the city of Manchester, England for "Making a difference Through Service Excellence." Caroline is an IY trainer for parent programs and has trained thousands of group leaders and supported them with consultations. See more about her work in the Implementation Examples.

Irish Times: Learning How to be a Good Parent, 2009

A learning programme devised by Carolyn Webster-Stratton has helped parents around the world to cope with the pressures of bringing up children. It's one of the most important jobs in the world, yet something that we have very little training for. This widely held view of parenting is complicated by the fact that if you do a good job, you make parenting look easy. Yet, if problems arise, the value...

Archways National Conference, Ireland, 2009

Carolyn Webster-Stratton will be the keynote speaker. The purpose of the conference is to promote the development of the Incredible Years programmes throughout Ireland. The conference will also provide an opportunity to showcase the results of the Incredible Years Parent Programme, Ireland Study (IYIS).

Incredible Years Programs in Minnesota, 2009

First grade teachers are using The Incredible Years Program in their classrooms after completing the Incredible Years training program. They are using puppets to implement the validated curriculum. Unique to this program are the teaching puppets used to promote and provide an interactive learning environment. The children readily identify with the puppets and accept them as members of the class. T...

The Incredible Years Intervention Programs, 2008

The book, "Early Intervention: Good parents, great kids, better citizens." is authored by two UK politicians advocating for a comprehensive approach to address social ills. Published in 2008, the authors' remedy is Early Intervention - which they argue is both cheaper, and more effective, than the current expensive and failed philosophy of Late Intervention. They write, "...the Early Intervention ...
